I am so glad you are here!!!

Oh man about me pages are so freaking hard! I never know what to say or where to start, but here we go!

Hi! I am Bessie!

I am a mama of 2 beautiful babies, a mama of 4 fur babies, obsessed with coffee, love photography, have been trying to learn gardening, and basically love to do anything outside.

I grew up in the small town of Sonora California. I always loved photography, but I fell into the trap of listening to what society told me to do and not listening to my heart. I went to school, got my B.S. degree in Geomatics Engineering, got a career at a corporate job where I worked 12 hours a day in a cubical, meanwhile always thinking about being a photographer and running my own photography business.

As thankful as I am that I was fortunate enough to be able to go to school and get that day job, I also just wanted to take photos. One day I just decided, well why the heck not?! So, I dove right in and started a side hustle.

Well 9 years later that side hustle has become one of my biggest passions. I am obsessed with photography, helping others learn photography, and helping photographers and creatives start their photography business.

I find so much value in a photo. One day a photo is all we will have left.
— Bessie

My goal is to help you:

  • Learn how to take amazing photos

  • Launch your photography business

  • Build freedom by creating a business out of your passion (and ultimately quit your 9-5 or bring in that extra income for your family)

Hey Friends,

I’m Bessie!

Courses for all photographers no matter your skill

Coming Soon!!!